My Female Guppy
My Female Breeding Guppy

Welcome to my Guppy Page!!!

        I am a young guppy breeder from Pennsylvania. I have owned guppies for quite some time now.On my site you will be able to look up info about guppies, see my photo gallery, and learn how to take care of guppies easily. I hope you enjoy my site!

M. McGuirk
Your Neighborhood Guppy Fanatic

*** News Flash!!***
January 16, 2002: I am the proud mommy of 24 new guppies!!!!!!

March Update!! All of my original three guppies have died after a year of wonderful service. I will most especially miss my two beautiful breeding guppies. But, not to worry! Some of the babies are old enough to breed now!

Links To The Rest Of My Site!!

Guppy Care Page |Photo Gallery

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